6 Tips For Staying Healthy While Traveling

Vacation time is here! Be sure to follow these tips for staying healthy while traveling – and boost immunity BEFORE the trip.

Part of your travel planning routine should be habits you do every day like staying hydrated and washing your hands regularly. These are things you’ll continue to do on your vacation.

6 tips to stay healthy on vacation

There are some travel packing items you should take with you to help prevent getting sick, and help alleviate symptoms if you do get sick!

The information provided here is for general travel health advice and information only. It is not a replacement for a personal consultation with your doctor.

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Staying Healthy While Traveling

First, my sad story. Our week-long Yellowstone and Tetons vacation that had been planned for months. The week prior to leaving, I got a sore throat… congestion…. fever…. chills….. and cough. My visit to urgent care 5 days later resulted in going home with no relief or medication as it was ‘just a virus’ and could take weeks to fully recover.

Unfortunately, my symptoms did not go away and I was still sick, but I HAD to go on vacation….sick or not. For months prior to this, I’d spent hours planning and dreaming of this week searching for wildlife, hiking to waterfalls and exploring the parks.

Armed with boxes of tissue, hand sanitizer, Vitamin C, Dayquil, Mucinex, water, etc. we began the journey. Luckily it was a road trip in the jeep so I didn’t subject my germs to others.

It wasn’t the ideal way I wanted to enjoy my vacation, but I had a wonderful time despite my illness. I am going to amp my Vitamin C intake weeks prior to any trip from now on!

Here are six ways to stay healthy while traveling!

oranges, juice and vitamin c

Boost Immunity

Begin taking Vitamin C in addition to your regular vitamin and supplement routine. Pack these items to continue taking them as normal. Bring extra Vitamin C or Emergen-C to give you that extra boost that you will need since you are in new surroundings with different germs and bacteria.

Airplane Tip: Use Airborne if you’ll be traveling by plane. Also pack nasal mists and Vitamin C tablets in your carry-on. Airplane cabins are dry and microorganisms are free to circulate. Before boarding the plane, take a couple of vitamin C tablets to give your body the ability to fight off airborne germs.

Use nasal mist to keep your nasal passages moist during the flight. This enhances your body’s ability to fight germs. You could also apply a small amount of Neosporin or petroleum jelly just inside the nostrils to create a barrier between you and the airborne germs. Use a Q-tip If your hands aren’t freshly washed.

water bottles

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated while traveling is an essential defense against germs. Water flushes your body of toxins, helps your digestion (which is associated with your immune system) and keeps you hydrated.

Use a reusable water bottle to carry water with you throughout the day – on the plane, at restaurants and on excursion activities.

Filtered Water Tip: When travelers get sick from drinking tap water, it doesn’t always mean the water is contaminated. The primary reason is your body is not used to the local bacteria.

Stay healthy by only drinking from sealed bottles or cans, which are sufficiently filtered. The local tap water is fine to shower with, but keep a bottle by the sink to brush your teeth. And if you can, avoid getting ice in your drinks.

medicine kit

Pack Medicine

Pack your own over-the-counter medicines. You never know what drug stores, pharmacies, and medical care will be within close reach at your vacation destination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a list of What to Pack in Your Travel Health Kit.

Motion Sickness Tip: Pack a supply of ginger or motion sickness pills AND be strategic about when you take them. If you take the pills too soon you become drowsy. These are most effective 30 to 60 minutes prior to when you think you’ll be sick, and can be sedating. One Medical shares 10 Tips to Beat Motion Sickness.

washing hands with soap

Fight Germs

Traveling means sharing a lot of public spaces. Surfaces like handrails, doors and elevator buttons were touched previously by many other people. Be extra conscious about touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Hand-washing is always best, but may not always be an option. Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for those times when you can’t wash your hands with soap and water.

Carry face masks with you for all travel. You never know when you’ll be required to use them!

Airplane Tip: Use sanitizing wipes to clean the airplane seat, armrest, touch screen or table; it’s your space for the next few hours and you want it germ free.

Consider bringing your own blanket and travel pillow. The blankets and pillows offered you on the plane may have been used by someone on a previous flight.

get enough sleep


Try to get a healthy 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night before, during, and after the trip. There might be a few late nights or early mornings, but make those the exception.  

Different time zones, noisy hotels and uncomfortable beds are variables that fight against us getting the sleep we need on vacation. The Healthy Travel Blog lists 5 Ways to Get Better Sleep While Traveling:

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Pack what makes you comfortable
  • Address inconvenient light
  • Block out noise
  • Minimize jet lag

We don’t travel anywhere without our white noise machine!!

protein bars, nuts, fruit

Snack Smart

Eating the local foods is part of the travel experience, but many of these foods aren’t considered healthy. Moderation is the key here. If you eat unhealthy your whole trip, you will lose energy and increase your chances of getting sick.

Healthy Eating Tip: Pack healthy snacks with you and/or buy some when you arrive. Protein bars, nuts, fruits and veggies are the best staples. If you have a fridge, add Greek yogurt and cheese to the list. These food give my immunity a boost and I’m able to stay healthy on the go.

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  1. Very true it is important to be healthy during travelling. Sometimes we ignore ourselves so much that we get ill which is very terrible. Medicines and vitamins are must. Drinking lots of water is also necessary. Great post.

  2. Being sick while traveling is the worst. We could all use these practical health tips and it’s a good reminder to double on efforts to staying healthy. Traveling is fun but it can also expose us to many factors that could detrimental to our health. It’s always a dreadful thought to sit next to a person who is coughing or sneezing – you just hope that your immune system holds up!!

  3. What a greaat post! I totally agree about the water. It’s important not to forget it whereever you go. And snact tip is a good one. 🙂

  4. Fantastic and practical advice. Falling sick on a travel really screws up your travels. This is what I usually adhere to. And I always carry vitamin C. Always. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. This is great advice. Some of this like taking extra vitamin C I follow religiously. I thank you for learning a new thing. I had no idea that keeping nostrils moist helps combat the germs. Or that adding a barrier like petroleum or neosporen helped. I will be using this tip next time I am on a plane.

    1. Being confined on a plane is so hard for me with people sneezing, coughing, etc. I try to sanitize and do whatever it takes to stay as germ free as possible.

  6. great advice here. I always carry water with me and try to stay hydrated. I also drink a glass of Kombücha every day! I had never heard of it before but its so good for your stomach. I’ve not been sick at all since I started.

  7. Very useful tips! Happened to me last Jan! I was on a weeklong trip and the last day of the trip I was down with fever when I had planned to most important place to visit! I gathered myself together with a couple of heavy dosage of medicine and I was good to go!
    Being out with assorted food, water, climate etc we are bound to fall sick unless our system is immune and healthy!

    1. Depending on where you travel, you may not find the medicine you need. It’s always best to take your own with you just in case.

  8. Gosh I remember getting a terrible flu when I was in the USA because it was windy and I hadn’t worn a jacket all the time! You’re right, it’s very important to pack some medicine, especially if you’re travelling to another country! I do agree with all of your tips, but I need to remember myself to drink more, it’s something I tend to forget when I’m on the road!

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