Arches National Park in July

Arches National Park in Utah is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for an unforgettable experience. Enjoy hiking, biking, scenic drives, photography, and stargazing!

Arches National Park Packing List

July is right in the middle of the Arches National Park summer vacation season. Expect highs in the 100s and lows in the high 60s degrees Fahrenheit.

Arches Weather in July

Hiking at Arches in July

It’s best to plan your hiking in the morning and late afternoon when it’s a bit cooler and the sun isn’t so intense.

The Scenic Drive is the perfect activity to enjoy AC during the heat of the day! It's 43 miles, includes two spur roads, and takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete.

Scenic Drive at Arches in July

Stargazing at Arches in July

Did you know Arches has the slogan “Half the Park is After Dark”? Be sure to take one evening to enjoy a star-filled sky!