100+ Road Trip Snacks and Food

We’ve put together the ultimate list of road trip snacks and food for adults and kids: healthy snacks, portable snacks, protein snacks, and make-ahead meals!


Delicious and portable road trip snack recipes that will keep you energized on your journey while also satisfying your taste buds!

Healthy road trip snacks for kids. Make family road trips easier, and healthier, by making your own healthy road trip snacks and food!

While goldfish and crackers work great for kids, they’re not exactly what adults would call ideal road trip snacks or food. 

If you’re trying to stick to a gluten-free diet or you just need to have something gluten-free, it’s best to bring your own snacks on the road. Just because you’re gluten-free doesn’t mean you can’t have awesome road trip snacks!

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day, especially when traveling. We’ve compiled a list of healthy road trip make ahead freezer friendly breakfasts.

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